Pivotal Capital Advisory Group is an independent financial advisor experienced in raising capital for projects in Canada, and around the world, to meet the unique financing needs of clients. The firm, led by Terry L. Allen, is uniquely positioned to source financing when and where it’s needed on the best terms and pricing available in the marketplace.
With Pivotal’s expertise, the odds that a project will be successfully financed and built are significantly increased.

Arranging the right financing is critical to the success of a project. Company executives outsource the raising of financing for one of two reasons: (i) the process is time consuming and their time may be better spent on other priorities or (ii) they require specialized financing expertise to get the project under way. In either scenario, Pivotal Capital Advisory Group provides objective financing advice and is able to structure, source and close a wide range of financing transactions.
The financing process used by Pivotal ensures competitive bids are sourced from the most suitable financiers. That translates into saving money and improving financial flexibility.

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